Netflix Envelopes: A Gallery of Art
Netflix may be getting heat for a whole slew of bad business decisions (splitting their DVD and online streaming into two separate businesses, introducing new price hikes, and generally pissing off people), but some customers have found a new outlet to express themselves – thanks to Netflix product design. In the event that Netflix goes under, the company will always be remembered for one profoundly simple yet brand-defining object: little red envelopes. As you’ll see below, the envelopes that are mailed to Netflix customers are more than just a DVD container; they’re the newest, coolest medium for a little creative expression…and sometimes art therapy…and other times a forum for thought (common themes: irony and sarcasm). See what I mean:

To see more Netflix-inspired artwork – because doodlers are artists, too – check out the Doodlers Anonymous blog. You will not be disappointed (unless you are obsessive about clean envelopes, then this may not be for you).
This is awesome. If only I still had a netflix account… or artistic talent…
A Netflix account is necessary, but artistic talent is subjective 🙂